Event Pricing & Membership

Event price




What's included:

  • Entrance for 1 person
  • Buffet food
  • Hot Drinks/Water
  • 30/45 Min talk from guest speaker
  • 1 Raffle Ticket Entry

Loyalty Card

Club loyalty

1 Loyalty stamp per visit. Plus 1 stamp when referring a friend.
10 stamps = one free visit.
Only available to members.

Become a PREMIUM member

The cost of a PREMIUM membership is £30.00 per year and includes lots of extra members benefits. To read more about the benefits and details of PREMIUM membership please click here.

If you do not have an email address, don't worry.
Your club host will also be able to enroll you at the club, and you will still receive all of the member benefits.

Contact Information

Socialise With Us
